InnOValley will coordinate the Portuguese ecosystem of DxHub, a new Center of Excellence for Infectious Disease Detection


The LS4FUTURE partner, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in collaboration with the FORTH- Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), won the prestigious European Excellence Hubs Grant to establish the new DxHub Centre, aiming at innovative solutions for detecting infectious diseases.

This €4.7M EU-funded project unites IMBB from FORTH with ITQB NOVA and IHMT NOVA from Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, alongside key public and private sector partners from Crete and Oeiras.

The initiative aims to boost regional visibility and competitiveness through innovative, high-value products focused on detecting infectious diseases. Prof. Electra Gizeli from FORTH-IMBB will lead the DXHub Program, and Pedro Pedrosa from Innovation Unit InnOValley will coordinate the Portuguese Ecosystem, composed by ITQB NOVA, Câmara Municipal de Oeiras, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, IP (INIAV, IP), IHMT NOVA, STAB VIDA, P-BIO – Associação Portuguesa de Bioindústria, CCDR Lisboa e Vale do Tejo and Agrupamento Escolas Paço Arcos.

This collaboration promises to drive cutting-edge solutions in infectious disease detection, fostering innovation across both regions.