LS4FUTURE Coordinator, Inês Cardoso Pereira, awarded Prémio Alberto Romão Dias


Inês Cardoso Pereira, the LS4FUTURE Coordinator and Professor at ITQB NOVA, is celebrating a remarkable achievement: winning the prestigious 2024 Alberto Romão Dias Prize from the Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ), alongside Professor Isabel Moura from FCT NOVA. This recognition of their outstanding research in Bioinorganic Chemistry is a testament to both professors’ collective efforts and scientific leadership.

Proposed by esteemed members of SPQ, Inês C. Pereira’s pioneering work on redox metalloenzymes has garnered international recognition, shaping the landscape of Bioinorganic Chemistry in Portugal.

The award ceremony took place at NOVA Rectory on May 17th, during the 2024 Inorganic & Bioinorganic Conference—2024IBiCC.

Inês C. Pereira’s work focuses on the physiology of anaerobic microorganisms and their applications in biocatalysis for a circular economy, making significant contributions to environmental sustainability.

Beyond her research, Inês C. Pereira greatly contributes to the Portuguese scientific landscape by coordinating the LS4FUTURE Associate Laboratory and by serving as Vice President of ITQB NOVA’s Institute Council.