Researchers in Industry

Join us for the upcoming “Researchers in Industry” Online Informative Session with João Seixas, CEO at TargTex.

LS4FUTURE Online Informative Session

Researchers in Industry

Date: 6 June 2024

Time: 11h30 – 12h30

Via Zoom

As part of our Online Informative Sessions series, we bring topics meant to inform and empower our community, and promote networking. With the “Researchers in Industry” we aim to create an informal setting where we invite our community to engage with national and international industry researchers and learn more about the reality of the entrepreneurship path for a researcher in the live sciences field, including the transferable skills and the mindset required for transitioning from academia to industry.


Meet our speaker:

João Seixas, CEO at the Startup TargTex:

João Seixas, PhD is currently the Chief Executive Officer at TargTex, a portuguese biotech company founded in 2019 based on an artificial intelligence algorithm that can decipher relationships between biological targets and molecules of interest, which allowed the identification of an unexplored target for Glioblastoma. João completed his masters in Chemistry in 2003 in the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST, Portugal). He carried out his PhD in Organometallic Chemistry at the ITQB (2011)  while working at the biotechnology company Alfama Inc. (he later joined the company as a Research Scientist).  In 2011, João moved to GlaxoSmithKline (Madrid, Spain) as an Invited Researcher of the Tres Cantos OpenLab Foundation. He later joined Galchimia, a leader CRO company in Spain and in 2015 became a Senior Researcher in a joint position between the Univ. Cambridge (UK) and the Instituto de Medicina Molecular (iMM). At iMM he was later awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowship and in 2018 co-founded Spartax Chemicals, a company focused on developing new technologies for recycling of waste products and reutilization of natural resources targeted for the chemistry sector.

We look forward to welcoming you to this Online Session.