What happened at our partners… June 2024 edition

IBET has launched its brand new website with a new design and organisation, where science and people take centre stage.

Explore the redesigned website to check the different R&D areas and support units in Biopharma – www.ibet.pt.



A study led by the NMS-iNOVA4Health PI, Cesar Mendes, and other researchers at NOVA Medical School and from Champalimaud Research, has revealed that a specific class of sensory neurons is capable of inducing movements in immobile animals independently of the brain. The research, published in Current Biology, shows that, although uncoordinated, the motor response induced by these neurons is rapid, allowing the animals to respond immediately to a mechanical stimulus.

Read more here.


ITQB NOVA researchers Carlos Moreira, Catarina Pimentel, and Sofia Ferreira, as well as IGC researcher Teresa Pais, were awarded 50,000€ by the InnOValley Proof of Concept Fund. The projects are aimed at ensuring food safety, fighting fungal infections, and optimizing the production of dopamine and fighting cerebral malaria, respectively.

Read more here.


Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will host the “EMBO Workshop – Plant Calcium Signaling” from July 1st until July 4th at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. This workshop aims to consolidate a strong international collaborative network in this field, with plenty of opportunities for young and mid-career scientists to present their work alongside established researchers in a wonderful venue in Lisbon.

Learn more here.